When will the extra wide pavements installed on Regent’s Street during covid be removed?

photo of bus passing on city with lights

Pave the Way for Progress: Will the Pandemic-Era Pavements of Regent’s Street Linger?

Strolling down Regent’s Street, amidst the glittering storefronts and bustling crowds, one can’t help but notice the extra-wide pavements, a legacy of the pandemic era. Introduced in 2020 to create space for socially distanced shoppers, these expanded sidewalks sparked debate: a lifeline for struggling businesses or an encroachment on the historic street’s character?

Now, as the city adjusts to a post-pandemic reality, the question looms: when will these concrete expansions disappear?The answer, like a London fog, shrouds itself in a mix of bureaucratic considerations and conflicting opinions.

One camp champions the expanded footpaths. Retailers, whose businesses thrived with the increased pedestrian flow,argue for their permanent fixture. The wider pavements, they say, facilitate window-shopping, encourage browsing, and ultimately boost the street’s economic vibrancy. Some residents, too, appreciate the extra elbow room, valuing the sense of safety and leisurely atmosphere it fosters.

However, others harken back to the pre-pandemic Regent’s Street, a bustling avenue for vehicles and pedestrians alike.They argue that the narrowed roads hamper traffic flow, increasing congestion and harming businesses reliant on deliveries. Tourists, accustomed to the iconic double-decker buses lining the street, might find the altered landscape a jarring departure from their expectations.

Local residents though are clear. ‘Give us back our Regent’s Street!’ They chant at a recent meeting of the Return Regent’s Street to How it was Society. Will they get their wish? We will have to wait and see.

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