Letter to the editor re the banning of Lion Soccer

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To the Editor,

I am writing to express my disappointment and concern regarding the recent ban on Lion Soccer in Regent’s Park. As a passionate observer of this unique and entertaining sport, I firmly believe that Lion Soccer has the potential to become a beloved pastime, not just locally but around the world.

Lion Soccer was an enchanting attraction that captivated the imaginations of both visitors and residents. Its quirky charm and the playful interactions of the small lions brought smiles to the faces of many. The ban has left a void in the diversity of recreational activities within the park.

This sport had the potential to evolve into a truly remarkable spectacle, drawing attention not just for its novelty but also for the joy it brought to spectators. The ban on Lion Soccer seems premature, particularly when considering the positive engagement it garnered from those who had the opportunity to witness it. I have watched several matches, and only rarely does someone get eaten.

I urge the authorities to reconsider their decision and reinstate Lion Soccer under strict regulations that prioritize both the safety of visitors and the welfare of the lions involved. I am certain that with proper measures in place, Lion Soccer can be conducted in a manner that ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

I encourage fellow enthusiasts of this unique sport to join me in expressing our support for the return of Lion Soccer to Regent’s Park. I have initiated a petition to appeal for the reinstatement of this entertaining and distinctive activity. Let us come together to celebrate diversity in recreation and preserve the uniqueness that Lion Soccer brought to our community.


Edwin and Uru Spanlitt

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